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How Often Should I Service My Car?

Like other drivers, you may be curious about how frequently your car requires maintenance and wish to take excellent care of it. The solution to this issue is rather straightforward, despite contradictory information appearing in a variety of places. Refer to your car's owner's handbook or service booklet to get the suggested Car Service Basingstoke plan from the factory.

 An automobile should have maintenance performed every 12,000 miles or 12 months, whichever comes first, according to manufacturers and mechanics alike. If your car hasn't gone 12,000 miles since the previous service, pay attention to any warning signals it may be showing. Certain automobiles also include a self-diagnostic system that will alert you when it's time for a service. 


Should you receive a notification following your most recent service that your vehicle may require an "interim service," this indicates that you should schedule a new service for six months or 6,000 miles after the current one. This is most likely a sign that your automobile is wearing something, and the technician wants to make sure everything is functioning properly. It's a preventive action. To maintain your automobile in excellent operating order in between repairs, there are a few things you can do on your own including checking the engine oil and tire pressure.


Is a MOT and a car service the same thing?


Contrary to popular belief, not all the elements of your automobile are inspected during a service or MOT.


Every automobile has a deadline by which a MOT must be finished; this is a yearly legal obligation. This technical safety examination, which verifies that the vehicle is roadworthy, is mandatory. However, make sure you take care of any minor problems yourself before getting a MOT; you might save a lot of money that way.


To guarantee that your automobile is safe and operates to its maximum potential for you, the service will examine wear and tear on the vehicle and will point out any components or fluids that require replacement. To keep an eye on your vehicle in between repairs, it's also a good idea to understand how to check the engine oil.


Despite being required by law, an MOT does not examine an automobile as completely as a service, which is why getting both inspections done on your vehicle is advised. 


What happens if you miss a car service?


We would recommend scheduling a vehicle service as soon as possible if you forget to schedule one. 


You run a bigger danger of breaking down the longer you wait to obtain a service. Your automobile may be low on vital fluids and parts that keep the engine and vehicle functioning properly, which shortens its lifespan.  


If you decide to sell your automobile later, it may become less appealing to buyers if you neglect to provide regular maintenance. A vehicle that has had routine maintenance indicates that it has been well-maintained and ought to be in excellent shape.


How Long Can You Postpone Car Service?

People may find methods and means to postpone everything. One can choose to service one's car based on the kind of vehicle, use, and servicing schedule. Skipping once or twice is OK if there are no problems, but it is best to get your automobile serviced on schedule. If you are experiencing issues such as low mileage or difficulty starting the engine, it is time to service your vehicle.


Do I need to stick to my car’s service schedule?


In a perfect world, sure. The longer you wait between maintenance, the more likely it is that dirt and debris will accumulate in the mechanical components of your car, and the less likely it is that any possible issues will be identified and resolved quickly.


Even worse, if you neglect to get regular servicing, the manufacturer may void your warranty if your car is still under warranty. They most likely will. And you might then be stuck paying a hefty bill for a repair that you may not have needed.


Do you need to service your car every year?


Probably the most crucial justification for using a service is your own and your passengers' safety. Early detection of possible problems can help prevent them from developing into serious problems that will probably cost you a fortune to resolve. Your vehicle's roadworthiness will be ensured by regular maintenance.


If you don't have regular auto maintenance, you might be saving money now, but you won't in the long run. Like anything else, problems are usually less expensive and easier to solve if they are discovered early on. Engine oil serves as an excellent illustration; without it, your engine may seize up and require costly repairs or replacement. Engine oil lubricates and shields the moving parts inside your engine. In addition to keeping your vehicle safe and less expensive to operate, regular Tyres Basingstoke can extend its lifespan. Your car will last longer and be healthier if you take care of it.


If you are considering selling your vehicle, keep in mind that you can increase its market value by having regular maintenance performed (either annually or every 12,000 miles). When your car is serviced, you can rest easy knowing that everything is working as it should.

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