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Unlearn These Common Myths About Car Servicing

Are you still carrying the baggage of so many of those outdated and common car servicing and maintenance tips that are leading to something wrong unknowingly? Well, many car service Basingstoke myths are making rounds both online and offline that you must unlearn as soon as possible. It will not only save you money but will make sure that you are safe every time you travel by car.


So, this blog right here tries to cover some common myths about car servicing and maintenance that are so outdated that you have to unlearn all of them now and update them with new ones. 


Car Servicing Myths Debunked


Here are the myths to debunk now: 


Myth 1: All Tyres Should be Replaced At Once

You take your car for a serving and some person there suggests replacing all your four tyres because some of them might have major issues. He suggests that to be the best course of action that you must take. Well, that’s not how it works. The best course of action would be to get your tyres examined thoroughly by some expert and get those changed only if they need to be. Just because one or two tyres have major issues, all four tyres DON’T need replacement.  


Myth 2: Premium Fuel Is Better

You can be easily tempted to use premium fuel for your car because that’s a myth you must have probably heard from many high-end car owners. Well, it cannot be a total myth because, for vehicle owners with sports cars, premium fuel can be a really good option.

However, you think that it will perform the same for your car that’s not on the high-end part is a myth to drop. The best line of action here would be to see what your user manual says about the type of fuel that’s best for your car. Do whatever the user manual says. 


Myth 3: Big Cars Are Most Likely To Be Unsafe

It won’t be wrong to assume that big cars look a little unsafe solely because of the size they have. Well, it’s not the case because it’s something else. These big cars are engineered with all the safety measures that make them even more safe. These cars have a little different and protected servicing and maintenance list that ensures everything seems and feels right. So, next time if someone says to not buy a bigger car because it’s unsafe, the advice is not to be taken seriously.  

Myth 4: Fuel Filling in the Morning Saves Money

You are late for work and you are crossing the gas station thinking you will do it later. Now, you can recall someone saying that fuel filling in the morning saves money. Well, let’s have you grasp the reality.

In theory, refueling in the morning while it's still cold would get you more gas and save you money, but there's a catch to this assumption. Since gas expands with heat, getting gas in warmer weather implies getting less altogether.

So, unlearn the myth now. 


Myth 5: Rolling Down the Window Means Better MPGs During the Summer Heat

If you also think that rolling down the window means better MPGs during the summer heat, here’s something that you should know. There is more wind resistance when the windows are rolled down. When moving faster than 35 mph, this drag reduces fuel efficiency. Generally speaking, operate your air conditioner on the motorway and at high speeds. Only in situations where running the windows down and traveling at a slower speed would truly save more energy than running the air conditioning nonstop. 


Myth 6: Dish Soap Washing is OKAY for Car

If you think about what can happen if you use dish soap water to clean your car sometimes or very rarely, a lot can happen. Especially for the car’s wax finish, dish soap is the worst option you can have. They can damage the finish more than you can think of. There are many good soap options available in the market that are designated for car washing. Use them and avoid dish soap at all costs. 


Myth 7: Regular Engine Tuning Up Is Good

Regular car maintenance, or engine precisely, only makes sense if you drive your vehicle a lot regularly. Everything runs on your engine, thus it needs to be maintained often. But what if you're mistaken about how much attention it needs? Well, let’s talk about that.

The onboard computer of your vehicle tunes almost every component of your engine automatically numerous times a day. When driving frequently, you shouldn't need to take your car in for a tune-up unless it's for a checkup every 50,000 miles.

Were are aware of these car service tyres Basingstoke myths and the reality? If not, you should unlearn myths and understand reality to better maintain your car.

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